Oh noes! Kitco’s latest bunch of wank (linked for reference purposes only, i wouldn’t bother clicking through though, you’ll learn nothing of any use) is some stuffed suit telling us that it’s not gold that’s being manipulated this time, it’s not silver either. It’s platinum. Seriously, where do they get these useful(less?) idiots from, is there a supply of unemployed rep theatre actors out there or something?
Bob Moriarty knows the real story and though I don’t see eye to eye with him on many subjects, he gets full IKN credit for being a known voice in the metals sector who’s talked sense on this subject for years. He calls it with his, “Gold and silver and whateverelse metal are manipulated. Of course they are, just like everything else that gets a price set upon it by capital markets. Now get over it and use that plain fact to your advantage instead of bleating about how unfair life is to you“. Because that’s exactly right.
*utter dumbass