As I write these words I’m one hour and forty-seven minutes into this 2hr 9 minute Youtube that contains eight JSB violin concertos. And I know that most of you will roll your eyes and go, “Gawd, not another one” and get back to the important stuff such as cat GIFs or watching the red percentages at the side of the mining stocks on your radar screen blink just a little deeper to the negative, but I’m not linking it because of you the massed crowd over there to my left. It’s for you over there on my right, the handful who might consider clicking it and listening, putting it on in the background as you go about your daily duties, allowing the incomparable JSB to add a modicum of pleasure and happiness to your day. I’m guessing that of the X thousand people who come over and read IKN in the next 24 hours, maybe a dozen of you will go for it. And that would be a good result, because if just one person gets as much pleasure out of this as I have since 8am local time today it’s more than enough.