“It’s always funny until someone gets hurt.
Then it’s just hilarious”.
Bill Hicks
I’ve often reflected on how mining professionals will start reading IKN, then occasionally approach its author, then sometimes become friendly with its author and, every so often, get to the stage of personal friendship. Only for it to suddenly go cold because this humble corner of cyberspace is deemed to have insulted a friend of theirs, or upset some business apple cart in which they have an interest, or said something that didn’t go down well with one of their bosses. Which is, of course, only part of the reason why I have no friends because this blog and its contents are merely an extension of its misanthropic owner’s overall character and worldview.
But that’s okay, because notable exceptions aside I’ve found that people in the junior mining scene are some of the worst specimens of humanity I’ve ever come across. Therefore we’re a perfect match, we feed our own prejudices.
Have a nice day.