The Angry Geologist (TAG) gives us a rundown on one of the classic BS techniques your actual junior will use to make its deposit look more valuable than it is, the Metal Equivalent bait’n’switch. He uses a good example too, the current pumped-to-death Southern Silver (SSV.v), a stock I checked out and passed on (very easily too) but has gone on a newsletter BS-fuelled run in recent weeks.
Anyway, check out the TAG post which is great, but he shows a little naivete when asking…
“Why do they have to (in my opinion) mislead everyone into believing that their project is better than it really is (?)”.
…because if you don’t know that one, you shouldn’t be mucking around with junior mining company stocks in the first place. Dear TAG, please adjust your default setting to “They Are Lying To Me My Job Is To Find Out Where The Lie Is”, these are the rules, not the exceptions.