Holy wowsers on a stick with chocolate sauce, is this piece of music amazing or what?
A short and unimportant anecdote: Everyone knows this tune as it’s one of the most famous ever written, but I hadn’t listened to it for a long, long time until last weekend. While flicking through Spotify for some background while writing up the Weekly last weekend I came across a “50 Best Of Mozart” compilation. “That’ll do” thought I and stuck it on. It started with the above and when that amazing first few bars (ready….here we go…music’s about to…EXPLODE!) kicked in it was like listening to it for the first time. And it was this very version, Georg Solti and the LPO.
Music that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, your heartbeat accelerate, your reaction of “phew!” when its four minutes are done. It’s one of the most famous tunes in the world because it’s just so damned good. Do yourself a favour and play it really really loud, worth every decibel.
Youtube page link here.