Take physic, pomp

Just when you thought Porter Stansberry couldn’t be more of an asshole…

..this happens.
Here’s the text of the mailer that the proven securities fraudster Porter Stansberry sent out to the list of greenhorns who were stupid enough to give his Casey Research (now a branch of Agora) their e-mail address at some point over the last 20 years and try as they might, can’t stop these serial scam merchants from sending them spam:
Dear Reader, 
The most common complaint we get from our readers is that we advertise too much.
Perhaps you think this is true…
It may surprise you, but I wish we didn’t advertise so much as well.
I’d never apologize for aggressively getting the word out about Casey
Research, I’d prefer to devote all our resources to financial
analysis… in an ideal world.
Here’s the thing, if I did that we’d quickly go out of business and everyone would lose out. So it will never happen.
However, there is a way for you to “switch off” 99% of our advertising…
can’t guarantee the odd ad won’t slip through somewhere, but the vast
majority of our advertising will be banished from your inbox with
You simply need to become a Casey Platinum member…
Platinum, you get everything we publish, for life… and for a massive
discount on what we normally charge for our research.
What that means is, there’s nothing more you can buy from us, and that means no ads.
In fact, this could be the last ad you ever read from us…
But no advertising is a tiny benefit compared to everything else you get as a Platinum member…
real value of Platinum is that you get all of our moneymaking research,
every single alert, issue and recommendation… plus much, much more…
See for yourself, right here.

Justin Spittler
Casey Daily Dispatch
(And on the words “right here” at the end is a link to the Casey Platinum service advert). In other words all that spam you get from these assholes isn’t their fault, it’s yours for giving the your mail address at some point. And if you want to turn off the incessant noise you pay them $3,500. Never mind that there is anti-spam laws that Porter Stansberry should adhere to, such as giving clear links and ways to opt out of all unwanted e-mail. Jeez, what a complete moneygrubbing, lowdown asshole he truly is.

PS: We remind readers of the true intentions of this scumbag fraudster Stansberry, via the previous series of posts “Casey Research, now with Stansberry/Agora, will market you to death”, which includes excerpts from the Stansberry secret internal dossier on how to extract as much money as possible from anyone stupid enough to hand over their e-mail address to this company of scammers.

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