Take physic, pomp

Excellent reporting on a stock scam

It’s authored by Chris Carey, it’s on Sharesluice and it starts like this:
Three companies whose stock made big moves last year are linked by
undisclosed relationships that raise numerous red flags about the deals
that helped attract investors, boost share prices and enrich certain
A Sharesleuth investigation found that financier Barry C. Honig and a
handful of associates sold at least $70 million of stock in those
companies — PolarityTE Inc. (Nasdaq: COOL), Marathon Patent Group Inc.
(Nasdaq: MARA), and Riot Blockchain Inc. (Nasdaq: RIOT) –- as their
share prices rose by triple digits, then tumbled from those highs.
This is a must-read for anyone who invests, not least those junior mining where the people behind this shell game scam learned their trade and how to rip you all off. Fantastic part one, cannot wait for part two. Make it your weekend longread, click here and go see.

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