Take physic, pomp

Hindenburg Research a potential IKN reader, you say?

Well that would be a surprise!
Short selling firm Hindenburg Research launched short on New Pacific Metals (NUAG.v) this morning via an entertaining presentation PDF you can find here. Meanwhile, you may like to read posts on this company found at this humble corner of cyberspace over the last six months, for example:
The Doody/Scamsberry New Pacific (NUAG.v) rip-off” dated October 3rd, 2019.
New Pacific Metals (NUAG.v) and ministerial bribery” dated February 6th, 2020.
New Pacific Metals (NUAG.v): Probably just coincidence” dated February 11th, 2020.
New Pacific (NUAG.v): Insiders dumped before the bad PEA news” dated April 15th, 2020.
The Hindenburg piece is good by the way, much more detailed tan anything on my links and they’ve done good legwork in La Paz. We don’t have to agree on its lowball fundies valuation to know that NUAG is expensive, even if it weren’t in problems with the Bolivian interim government. Full disclosure: No position in NUAG.v.

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