One of those wonderful Friday NRs we have all learned to love, kind thanks to reader ‘MY’ for the heads-up:
DENVER, Oct. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Andina Gold Corp. (OTCQB: AGOL) (“Andina Gold” or the “Company”) today announced further development of the Company’s focus and strategy.
At its meeting on October 29, 2020, the Company’s Board of Directors reaffirmed its August 11 decision to shift away from the U.S. cannabis market and toward exploration opportunities in previously inaccessible districts of Colombia’s historically productive gold mining regions.
Which means that in less than a year and a half (fercryinoutloud!) this company and please take a deep breath has gone from being a gold exploreco called First Colombia Development Corp, to 1) buying out a pot company called Critical Mass and 2) changing first its corporate mission in 2q19 and then 3) its name to Redwood Green Corp in 3q19 only to have a change of heart in 2q20 with the pot market saturated and gold all the rage, so our happy team 4) moved back into Colombian gold exploration and now in 4q20 5) out of cannabis, changing the corp title to Andina Gold Corp. We even get a cherry for the top of this particular cake, as they have Gary Artmont coming on board (if you don’t know how his name fits with Colombia and Ecuador mining scams, Google at your leisure). As for the coffee mug, FWIW your humble scribe is drinking from it as this gets published.
P.S. What the “Crypto”? Artistic licence. Or maybe it’s how they shifted the capital from weed to gold without anyone noticing.
Shouldn’t their symbol should have “ADD” (Attention Deficit Disorder) in it?
Artistic license? Seems legit, since a lot of nano-caps revectored to the blockchain bandwagon.