Take physic, pomp

Ari Sussman is back in Colombia

There is no limit to this industry’s brass neck, no depths for its depravity. Maybe Ari thinks he doesn’t have enough blood on his hands already and needs an extra dash. All with Paul Harris’s world-famous* public fellations guaranteed, plus a full trough of slush cash for the major pump channels and the usual suspect pigs. Enjoy the show, Vancouver.

*We at least suppose they are world-famous, he charges enough for them.

PS: How Chris Grainger can call himself a geologist and also sleep at night is beyond me, it truly is. How do you do it, Chris? Did you have a heart transplant?


    David D’Onofrio CEO? I’m surprised he has time. Isn’t he too busy creating value for White Gold shareholders?

    recent PP done at $1.00 and the debut price today at $3.00 for a $120M valuation based on moose pasture in Colombia……the pump is definitely on!

    Ari was the sleazeball that bilked all stakeholders at Colossus minerals some years back. Took an ugly haircut on that but learned alot about the lawlessness of miners. I wish him only the worst.

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