Take physic, pomp

The Friday OT: Two hours of Shingo

A friendly challenge:

You are an upstanding human being and music lover who normally listens to rock, country, jazz, classical, some other genre than progressive house, electronica or trance. Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to put this Shingo Nakamura compilation on as background music while going about your normal day. At work, at home or at the park, in the kitchen, cubicle, office space, bathtub or wherever, then get on with your busy ness of the day. IKN wagers a dollar you’ll be dancing round the room within the first 30 minutes. YouTube here.


    I tried, I couldn’t do it, it’s not worth a dollar to me. It just feels soulless. It’d be like me trying to pay you a dollar to listen to a 30 minute speech by that Nazi you’re always hammering.

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