Take physic, pomp

Corriente (CTQ.to): The difference between rumours started by CFAs and rumours started by anyone else is…..

….that there is no difference.

Remember back on March 11th and 12th when Corriente Resources (CTQ.to) (ETQ) ran up on big volumes? Then remember on March 13th when Desjardins announced that takeover talks between CTQ.to and its ‘mystery buyer’ (whose name starts with a T, ends with a G and has onglin in the middle…apart from that we know nothing) were well advanced and how the sale would go through in the next two to three weeks?

Well last night we had this from the company:

Mar 25, 2009 — Corriente Resources Inc. wishes to advise that, contrary to recent media reports, there are no material developments to disclose regarding ongoing exclusive negotiations for the potential sale of the company that were announced on December 16, 2008.
And today we have the stock down 6.15% on 350k traded. The big day (and probably the reason why Desjardins started the rumour in the first place) is that the mystery buyer has an exclusivity deal up to and including March 31st, after which the deal is likely to lapse.

And you guys still believe these clowns-in-suits after all they’ve done to you. I know the saying goes “Fool me once shame on you. fool me twice shame on me”, but how does it work for “fool me 100 times”?

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