Take physic, pomp

US Homeland Security Immigrations Dep’t says: “We can make a person disappear”

How to win friends and influence people.

If there’s one phrase that Latin Americans do not want to hear from any sort of government authority, up to and including the people who patrol, apprehend and supposedly deport illegal immigrants into the USA, it’s anything that includes the disappearance of people. After the hundreds of thousands of people disappeared from the face of the earth in LatAm’s modern history you’d think that people might have got the message.

But no. We get US ICE spokespeople at official conferences proudly announcing that;

“We can make a person disappear.”

Check out the full story via the evergreat Mex Files. I really feel like stringing an expletive-ridden sentence right now but let’s just keep it to “Homeland Security, consider this an imperative to have auto-intercourse.”

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