Take physic, pomp

Two news stories and no Allen

As usual there is more than just one story this side of the Darien Gap, so here’s a two-for-one memo about things more political. And apart from the mini-scoop of the previous post maybe it’s better to check for Stanford stories in the larger blogs and MSM than here. I’m going to try and avoid too many posts on the subject now (though temptation is always there and a few may slip through in the days/weeks to come).


In Peru another crap minister bites the dust. Interior Minister Remigio Hernani has just resigned this morning and will be replaced by another crappy politician, APRA stalwart Mercedes Cabanillas. Hernani was hurt by a bungled and frankly amateur recent police raid on land squatters that ended up with three cops shot dead, but he was under pressure due to his total mediocrity from the moment he got the job (he came in via the Yehude Simon new broom of late last year…what a total flop that was).

So anyway, Peru now has the amazingly annoying Cabanillas as a minister. The Twobreakfasts admin just gets worse (yes, it was possible).


In Ecuador, Studmuffin chucks out another US diplomat and leaves us thinking of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest:

“To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose both looks like carelessness.”

Check out that link above for the full story, but expect a big hoo-hah on this one to reappear when Saturday’s installment of Radio MUFN comes around. Da Prez is now campaigning, remember, and he’ll milk this for all he can.

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