Take physic, pomp

News from ‘Investment Grade’ Peru, part 829

Jacqueline Fowks at her impressive Spanish language blog ‘noticias desde lenovo’ brings us another tale of Peru. Remember this is the country feted by all and sundry, especially the all-seeing-all-knowing band of idiots known as economists that have been proven 100% wrong with all their models recently.

This is the country that has supposedly grown like a rocket. This is the country whose FinMin bullshit liar Luis Carranza said in November 2007 that the effects of trickledown economics were being felt by all Peruvians. All of them. Understand the word “all”? Now read on, and find out what things are like in Andahuaylas, Peru:

“…the mothers of children under two years old receive diverse aid, amongst them food complements that are not only destined for the undernourished child but also to the other children (in the family) as they do not have enough to eat, either.

The mothers comply with the program instructions up to a certain point in time, because if the children reach the age of two and have moved away from being malnutrition cases they are taken off the program. So two months before the age of two the mother begins to undernourish the child so that it stays on the list of those that receive food complements.”

Remember that this is the very same region recently mentioned where women get pregnant in order to receive 100 soles per month from the government.

Viva investment grade. Viva viva viva.

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