Take physic, pomp

Three things to read (and why you need to read them)

This link to Econometrica. This is because these smart people have just released their first 2009 quarterly Argentina macroeconomics review and you can get your copy of this extremely useful PDF for free. It is in Spanish, but as nearly all the info is in chart form even a basic understanding is enough. Excellent source material on the country and highly recommended.

This link to the New York Times. This is because Simon Rosemary has actually gone and done a wonderful thing; he’s actually gone and done written us all a balanced report on Venezuelan issues. Yup, I gone done read it thru twice to check, so go do see for yourself who this Posadas creep is. Hat tip to the magnificent Borev bitches.

This link to an article written by John Lee entitled “Gold up to $893: Finally, the wait is over.” This is because the dumbass who pretends to know about precious metals wrote it on September 18th 2008. He actually runs a fund and charges his clients commission, y’know. The P.T Barnum school of investment advice still going strong.

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