Take physic, pomp

News from hell

La Rinconada, Peru. Not the same Peru as seen
on the Inca Trail, I promise you.

Earlier this month, three separate IKN readers were all kind enough to pass a grateful Otto this link to The National Geographic’s article “The Real Price of Gold”. One of the places featured is the “La Rinconada” district of Peru, a place I have personally visited twice.

That was twice too often, frankly. I’ve visited some unlikely places in my days, but La Rinconada is my idea of hell on earth. Read the NatGeo’s article yourself as it gives a fair overview of the place IMHO. It’s also a non-judgmental report that tells things as it is and doesn’t try to preach, which is something to be appreciated in this day and age of “you gotta think this way” BS journalism. I’d only add that it’s a pity the journalist didn’t talk about Rinconada backstreet where 15 year old prostitutes are available in the evening, U$5 a turn. The saddest sight I’ve ever seen.

Anyway, today’s news from La Rinconada is that a tunnel collapsed yesterday and five miners have been killed. So far only one body has been retrieved from the tunnel in question. Anyone who knows the place won’t be surprised. Here’s the link to the Spanish language report and that will have to suffice, because there is zero chance that this news will ever make it to Kitco, Mineweb, Northern Miner or other mining news clearance houses. Not quoted companies, you see. Not important, you see. Think about it.

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