Take physic, pomp

Financial reporters: Never believed me about how bad they can be?

OK, read somebody who used to be one.

Buy the man a Gillette
Guillermo Parras-Bernal at his quickly-becoming-must-read blog Market Memorandum wrote this today:

“…The real purpose of this blog is to tell people who have little or no idea how markets work how the media reports market events. And how bad or good (in my opinion) they do that.”

Oh, I like. I like. I very, very like. As regular readers know, this is one of the themes regularly revisited here. The problems that can come between the real, raw story and the end user (that’s you…and me) are manifold, but include things such as lapdog subservience at the altar of business, over-deference to the rich’n’famous, deliberate political bias in the reporter’s writings, errors of omission that skew the story away from reality, “favouritism” (and that’s putting it as gently as possible) and more….and more.

So who better to tell us about the ways of LatAm business journalism than someone who worked in Latin America as a biz journalist for over 10 years? Put Market Memorandum on your radar, people. Here’s the link again. Thus ends the OttoPump.

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