Take physic, pomp

The Financial Times Does Chávez

Chart from “bolivarian bravado” showing the state of (some) economic play

The London FT, via its Venezuela correspondent Benedict Mander, is running a series on the Venezuela of today. I’ve mentioned on this blog in the past that Mander is one of the few fair voices writing about Venezuela in the English-language media (mainstream, at least), and this series is no exception.

What I like about the reports is that they give you the good, bad and ugly about today’s Venezuela but don’t ram ideology down your throat. You get facts, get treated as a thinking human being and get to draw your own conclusions. There ain’t no op-ed “my opinion” BS tacked on the end, thank the stars.

This link goes to the report entitled “Bolivarian Bravado”

This link goes to the report entitled “Boligarchs Rise to the Top in Socialist Venezuela”

This link goes to the report entitled “Chávez Gambles on the Poor to Strengthen Grip”

Please note; despite the tone of words used in the title lines the reports are very balanced affairs.

As it’s the FT you might have to register to read all three, but the registration is free (and mercifully quick). So make the effort if needed and read these three reports. Recommended stuff, and good job done by Mander.

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