On many occasions I have tried to make out I get privileged information from high ranking authorities and pass this information on as exclusives. There are many examples of this, but one was on July 9th 2008 when I wrote that:
“…According to thousands of e-mails found in the laptop computers of slain FARC commander Raul Reyes, which Interpol forensic computer experts certified were not tampered with by the Colombian government, Chavez and the FARC were pursuing a two-tier strategy.
Dozens of e-mails in the rebel computers show that the FARC commanders and Chavez were building what they referred to as a “strategic relationship” to strengthen the Bolivarian movement in the region.”
It has now emerged today that the Raul Reyes computer contained no e-mails at all, this confirmed under oath by the head of the Colombian investigation team.
I have misled you, my audience. I apologize for indulging in my own anti-Chávez fantasies and pretending they were real. I also offer my apologies to President Chávez of Venezuela for having misrepresented him for all this time.
Sincerely, Andres Oppenheimer