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Free White Paper: 10 secrets to recession-proof your business

Here’s a totally free, gratis and for nothing report you can pick up that will help you get through the rough patch that’s about to hit the real economy. Get your free report, “10 Secrets to Recession-Proof Your Business” by clicking this link.

Take advantage of this free offer and be ready for the downturn. Here’s the report blurb to give you a better idea of its contents. USA and Canada residents only.


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10 Secrets to Recession-Proof Your Business

Discover ten strategies smart companies deploy to recession-proof their business, including how to curb spending, cut non-payroll costs, and use the downturn to your advantage.

When the economic outlook is good, most executives focus on growing sales. It’s only natural. But when the economy slows and times get tough, the focus inevitably shifts. Most executives turn inward to reassess business operations, as they face hard choices on how to manage the company.

As businesses struggle to survive a downturn, leaders generally behave in one of three ways:

  • “the ostrich” – preserve the status quo, and just hope for the best
  • “the bull in the china shop” – blindly cut expenses across the board
  • “the fox” – use the downturn to make your business more effective so when growth returns you’ll be in a stronger competitive position

Coupa encourages leaders to behave “like a fox.” Instead of viewing a recession through fearful eyes, use it as a means to pounce on emerging trends – and to get lean, mean, and in position to crush your competition as economic conditions improve.

Geographic Eligibility: USA, Canada

Publisher: Coupa Software Incorporated

Apply for your free copy here

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