Take physic, pomp

Ventana Gold (VEN.to): We extract

Just time for another quickie before going to do other things, because by the looks of the mailbox there’s a lot of interest in Ventana Gold (VEN.to). So here’s a small extract from the article on VEN in IKN31 published last Sunday. I’m not going to give away the much of the text offered up to subscribers, but it’s fair enough to give a lead and point them as to where DD is worthwhile.

Here follows an excerpt from the June 14 2008 Technical Report on the La Bodega property:

Surface rights within the property are held by various landowners. The company reports that it has signed exploration access easements with all the surface owners where drilling has been undertaken or planned to be conducted. Additional surface rights may be required to establish a commercial mining operation.

It’s a sure fire certainty that SMLB and/or Gelvez are the major names inside those “various landowners”. What we have here is a serious weakness, a chink in the armour of VEN and its position. VEN might be able to close on the option and secure that very impressive mienralization, but the topsoil (if you like) isn’t included in the deal, and if you’re prohibited from setting foot on the land, it becomes impossible to build a mine and dig the depths. Again, if you want to you can say it’s the leverage point with which SMLB is illegally and immorally blackmailing the poor, hard done by Ventana Gold. It’s just semantics anyway and makes no difference to the facts of the matter.

Disclosure: No position in VEN.to. Not long and not short. Best advice is ‘avoid’. DYODD, dude.

PS: Semi OT- Congrats to PEZ for securing its land rights; overdue but welcome.

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