Take physic, pomp

News roundup (reheated in the microwave and served on a plastic plate)

Uribe gets his parliamentary vote and is now an easy-to-win referendum away from being able to run for re-re-re-election. Jeesh….gonna be fun watching all the wingnut Chávezhaters jump thru hoops backwards as they try to explain the benefits of this one

The Mex Files picks up on a fellow blogger’s post about how style is so, so much more important than substance in the scrubbed-clean fantasy Mexico presented for Labor Day tourists to Tijuana.

This DJNW report on the Peru’s fiscal stimulus program bases itself on the words of Julio Velarde on Peru’s CenBank. As such it makes a lot of sense because the dude is basically pretty sound. A bit disconcerting to hear that the bankers are trying to find ways round the rules to allow them to jump on the QE bandwagon, however.

Ecuador wins the best place in the world to retire” award from the magazine International Living. There goes the neighbourhood.

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