Take physic, pomp

Bizarrely unmentioned by English language newswires (part 729)

Even though all the MSM newswires have put out reports from Colombia concerning Uribe, US troops, bases, FARC bombings, relations with Ecuador, relations with Venezuela etc in the last 24 hours (here’s an example from the evermore right wing WSJ), not one of them mentions the story that’s making Spanish language news down on this side or the Darien Gap. (don’t believe me? Well here’s a Google News list of 191 Spanish language reports and counting). Once again, the place to get the real news on Colombia in English is reserved for the class news webpage, Colombia Reports. Here’s an excerpt from the story:

Uribe, speaking in Medellin, apologized for the breach of Ecuador’s sovereignty in March 2008 when the Colombian army attacked a FARC camp in Ecuadorean territory killing 25 guerillas and the FARC’s number two, Raul Reyes.

“Concerning the issue of our incursion into the Ecuadorean jungle and the bombing against Reyes, I ask them forgiveness for that,” the President said, adding the deal with the U.S. is only to fight against terrorism and drug trafficking.

“Our objective is making an end to terrorism: this is the bandit. Ecuador and Venezuela are our brothers,” Uribe said.

Tonight’s question: Why don’t they want you to hear about this? The soft censorship of your newsflow about South America never ceases to amaze me. Left to the classic media channels you really don’t have much of a clue about what’s going on down here.

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