Take physic, pomp

Make mine a double please

How’s the biggest stock in your portfolio been doing recently?

I’ll take my 33% in 10 days quite happily :-). That’s also a new 52 week high, by the way.

Sure, it’s always very cool to get a 2 bagger or 3 bagger from those microdot gambles, but when the biggest position in the portfolio doubles in just seven months, you know you’re having a good year. Your humble servant reco’d Troy Resources (TRY.to) (TRY.ax) back in December 2008 and bought it in January at CAD$0.84. Significant kudos should also go to Claude Cormier of Ormetal Report who first mailed me with a “Hey Otto, have a look at the fundies in this TRY.to thing” and gave me the smart headsup on the stock. That was one smart stockpick Claude and a tribute to your proven skills.

All the followings and comments about worthy investments in the LatAm/wider-world junior mining sector are your for the taking in The IKN Weekly. You’ll love the service (clients got a flash update on four stocks this morning) and the reco’d stocks are now seeing the gains that their fundamentals have always promised. At just U$25 a month and easily cancelled if you don’t like what you see, it’s a very low risk proposition that offers proven rewards and a sensible, intelligent approach to investing in this trappy sector of the market (well I think so at least).

Now, if only DMM.to would get off its tush and join the others………….

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