Take physic, pomp

Honduras update

The march against the usurpers yesterday.
(click to enlarge)

The OAS has suspended Honduras from its club, the score 33 to 0 with one abstention (Honduras….a protocol thing). “You’re fired!” “I already quit on Friday!” “No you didn’t, I didn’t recognize it!” “Screw you!” “Screw you!” “Screw you!” (I could continue)

Klishtina has chickened out and won’t be flying with Mel…she’ll make the best of it by going shopping in NYC instead.

The usurpers have denied permission for Zelaya’s plane to land. So they lied when they said he’d be let back into the country…big deal, normal for these coupmongers as their whole argument is based on lies anyway.

A crowd estimated at 200,000 pro-Zelaya people will be hanging round the airport when (if?) Mel lands….including snipers loyal to the usurpers on top of tall buildings.

UPDATE: Reader Nell just put the following in the comments section of this post. Thanks Nell.

In a press conference that got underway at OAS headquarters a few minutes ago at 11:55 a.m. ET (9:55 a.m. in Tegucigalpa), Honduran President Miguel Zelaya announced that two planes will be heading south today.

The first airplane will head from Washington DC directly to the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa, and it will carry President Zelaya and Miguel D’Escoto, president of the United Nations General Assembly.

The second airplane will head first to San Salvador, carrying Presidents Rafael Correa of Ecuador, Fernando Lugo of Paraguay, Kristina Kirchner of Argentina, and OAS chairman Jose Miguel Insulza, “to begin the process… of assuring that the Democratic Charter of the Organization of American States is complied with” in Honduras.

From Al Giordano, who posted before the press conference had ended. I imagine there will be corporate news reports shortly.

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