Take physic, pomp

The Honduras Coup: Obama and Clinton say the right things

Thanks to reader PE (in the comments section of the previous post….thanks dude), your humble correspondent gets to hear about this page at HuffPo that has been liveblogging the emergency OAS meeting. Here’s what The Hawaiian and Hillary (esp good) had to say for themselves:

President Obama:
“I am deeply concerned by reports coming out of Honduras regarding the detention and expulsion of President Mel Zelaya. As the Organization of American States did on Friday, I call on all political and social actors in Honduras to respect democratic norms, the rule of law and the tenets of the Inter-American Democratic Charter. Any existing tensions and disputes must be resolved peacefully through dialogue free from any outside interference.”

Sec. of State Clinton:
The action taken against Honduran President Mel Zelaya violates the precepts of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, and thus should be condemned by all. We call on all parties in Honduras to respect the constitutional order and the rule of law, to reaffirm their democratic vocation, and to commit themselves to resolve political disputes peacefully and through dialogue. Honduras must embrace the very principles of democracy we reaffirmed at the OAS meeting it hosted less than one month ago.

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