Take physic, pomp

More World Press Freedom Day: Welcome to Okke Ornstein’s twilight zone

Yesterday we noted the wild and bizarre news release out of The US State Dept as it plans to host the 2011 World Press Freedom Day. Well it turns out that WPFD also runs a Facebook page and  yesterday decided…like all Free Press promotion bodies would…to delete all the comments they’d picked up since announcing their brand of weirdoddity yesterday and also stop future commenters from doing same.
Okke Ornstein found this hilarious and so managed to engage the organizers in an IM conversation which is just as bizarre. You can read all that went on in that IM chat here, but Okke nails it in his conclusion line:

“A press freedom club that deletes comments from its Facebook page, won’t answer a simple question and then cackles that they are “glad” to see social media being used for debate? Kafka couldn’t make this shit up.”

Go read….great stuff that shows these two-faced scumbags for what they are.

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