Take physic, pomp

Congratulations Colombia! Up two spots to number six in the world!

The World Terrorism Risk Index, that is.
With a deserved hat tip to Colombia Reports, your author is directed to world risk specialist Maplecroft and its updated World Terrorism Risk Index report, out today. Here’s the graphic from the report (green good, red bad etc etc)…

…and here’s the top ten.

1) Somalia
2) Pakistan
3) Iraq
4) Afghanistan
5) Palestine Occupied Territories
6) Colombia
7) Thailand
8) Philippines
9) Yemen
10) Russia

Yes indeedy, since its last review Maplecroft has upped Colombia from number 8 to number 6 in the  whole wide world for terrorism, calling the risk “extreme”. And if you notice the top six, it’s kind of a coincidence that they all have close military ties with The USA isn’t it? Or perhaps it isn’t….

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