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Free eBook: Small Business Unified Communications For Dummies

This totally free, no-strings-attached offer for the eBook “Small Business Unified Communications For Dummies” went down well with IKN readers when we first ran it a few days ago, so here’s a re-post of the offer. Click through, sign up, receive your copy. Nothing simpler possible and strong moneymaking information for small business players at your disposal.

Small Business Unified Communications For Dummies, Avaya Custom Edition

Small Business Unified Communications For Dummies, Avaya Custom Edition

Understand the benefits of Unified Communications and how it can positively impact your small or medium business.
Small Business Unified Communications For Dummies, Avaya Custom Edition, provides non-technical readers such as small business owners and key managers an in-depth overview of UC: what it is, what capabilities it can provide, what a small business needs to do to implement it, and how it will impact your business. Read this eBook to learn:

  • What Is Unified Communications and Why Do I Need It?
  • How Will Unified Communications Help My Small Business?
  • Creating a Unified Communications Strategy.
  • How Do I Implement a Unified Communications Solution?
  • Ten Reasons to Implement Unified Communications.

Offered Free by: Avaya
Other Resources from: Avaya

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