Take physic, pomp

COHA on Peru

With Twobreakfasts meeting the Hawaiian in DC yesterday, no surprises that the Peruvian “economic miracle” is a talking point today. Amongst the fawning dross written about a place most of the monolingual hacks couldn’t find on a map, one link sent to me my Mexfiler RG (thanks dude) stands out as well-written, balanced and reasoned. The surprising thing is that it comes from righty think tank COHA.

Hey, most of you guys know that your humble scribe is no conservative, but we over here at IKN applaud any argument that offers up balance. There are a few nitpicking things about the COHA article that can be taken to task but it’d be unfair on the whole, because the author Elizabeth Sahner does a good job of potting the recent political and economic history of the country. This kind of piece is a throwback to when the US GOP would be able to string together a reasonable point of view that could be taken seriously by one and all…..gone are the days.

Anyway, here’s the wrap-up paragraph of Sahner’s note as a taster, but the whole thing should be read as you’ll gain more insight into Peru in the English language by reading this than you will in four dozen other articles. Good job Elizabeth.

Even though Peru’s business sector is enjoying renewed foreign investment and the worldwide profile of a relatively small but rising power, García has not done enough to mend longstanding societal divisions in Peru. Far from reaching out to his country’s large indigenous community, President García has stood alongside business interests and only belatedly recognized the need to involve all parties in the decision-making process about the use of indigenous terrain. The president seems most concerned with reinforcing the benefits of the free market and globalization in Peru in order to rescue his own legacy, which has been tainted by corruption. Yesterday in Washington, President García asserted that Peru “chose correctly” by opening its economy and defying last year’s global economic stagnation. Economic indicators are indeed positive, but until the administration eradicates corruption and includes more segments of Peruvian society as part of the national financial and political conversation, Peru’s prosperity will remain a weak shell surrounding an imbalanced country.

Read it all right here.

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