…whether to tune in on C-Span or live streaming FedTV for the Benny B Jackson Hole speech, or whether to stick to my normal three hours of morning bargain offers on The Shopping Channel.
If I base my viewing choices on economics that affect my life then it’s TSC every time, but as it’s nice to tune into a widely viewed sporting occasion (Olympics, Prince Harry, Eric Sprott’s quarterly filings) I think I’ll make an exception today and watch Ben publicly laugh until blood starts runnning from his nose about Paul Ryan’s gold standard.
UPDATE: Iwnattos makes a better case for watching the Jackson Hole keynote speech today:
“…be prepared for gold and silver and everything else to wobble around like crazy at 10AM. None of it is important. In a healthy market, we don’t worry about dumb shit like central bankers speaking. But whatever blather he says, the market’s immediate wild gyration might throw you off what’s really important. So watch it!”
No argument with that.