Local news channel Canal N got the following quotes about Ollanta Humala, his wife Nadine Heredia and the new cabinet, now led by Prime Minister René Cornejo (since ex-PM César Villanueva resigned for being insulted in public):
“Everybody knows that Nadine not only has outsized power (in the government) but also illegitimate power, because it doesn’t come from the voting booth”
“René Cornejo is a minister who’s been house-trained by by Nadine Heredia, he’s been domesticated by her. He knows the way the President works, that’s to say that everything has to go via Nadine. That’s his style of government, it’s not going to change. Nadine has shown all her power (in the latest events).”
“All ministers are now more afraid than ever of Nadine because they see that she exercises the real power in the country, not the President and even less so the Prime Minister.”
“We’ve elected a commander who only has the badges of authority, but sadly has no real authority.”
And the source of these quotes? That’s Ulises Humala, elder brother of Ollanta Humala.