Take physic, pomp

Bolivia: Peace breaking out

Over at Bolivia’s state news service ABI, the main story this week is that main opposition leader in Santa Cruz, Ruben Costas, has accepted an invitation from Evo Morales to sit down and talk. This might not sound like much to those unversed in BoliviaPolitik, but just the fact the two are willing to get together for constructive talks is a major step forward. This is, after all, the same provincial politician who refused to recognize Morales as his President, used racist language at every turn in his insults and was one of the main players in the attempted secession plans of 2008.

But let’s not dwell on the past too much, as if Costas goes to the table with the right attitude Bolivia can turn out as the winner here. Good EngLang service Bolivia Weekly has more on the subject right here.

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