Take physic, pomp

Don’t forget to vote for the site……

……….in the Weblog Awards, people. Right now we’re sitting in the desired third palce but there’s no way it can be taken for granted as a final position. Click here to vote; it only takes a couple of seconds.

Because of my petty wonky numbers mentality I now have a petty wonky numbers target. If we can get 1,000 votes logged for IKN between now and 5pm EST Tuesday (when the poll closes), it’ll mean that we’ll have the third highest total of votes for any year at the awards. I checked back y’see, and the highest ever vote tally for the category between 2003 and 2007 was 995 (last year’s winner).

So 1,000 votes won’t be a win but I never had any illusions about that anyway. However it will give bragging rights as the third most popular site ever in the Best Latino Caribbean or South American Blog category, very cool after just nine months of blogging.

So vote! Now! Here’s the link again! Thank you!

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