With KL on the mind, it’s fun to consider what Makuch left behind:

Novo Resources and its “re-rate into production” this year has turned out to be the scam that normal, sentient human beings suspected. Unlike the jokers at CEOca of course:

A screenshot of this February 2021 pump job from one of the main paid pumpers, Erik is his name, who also continues to sell Bob Jew Hater Moriarty’s libelous book. Notice how keen these liars and thieves were in February, strange how they have all “moved on” from what they claimed was the biggest and greatest gold discovery of all time in less than a year. And these are the same people who slander and libel me in public. Not just “oh what a nasty man”, either. These people accuse me of domestic violence, of having sex with children, of securities fraud and anything else their sick and twisted minds can make up.
Novo Resources, a scam run by liars and thieves.
Gotta admit, BobTheJewHater should be hidin his face in his @ss on this one. Beggin for fogiveness. MEa Culpa. Of course, he’ll probably just blame the Jews.
Gotta admit, BobTheJewHater should be hidin his face in his @ss on this one. Beggin for fogiveness. MEa Culpa. Of course, he’ll probably just blame the “…..”