Take physic, pomp

LatAm mining quickies

Corriente (CTQ.to) (ETQ): Some guy called Zerb who works for some company called Canaccord has slapped a $7.56 price target on the company. Personally, no comment.

TNR Group (TNR.v): It’s great when you see a company make an announcement and you can go “Good, another company I never have to worry about or look at again.” Basically, the management of any junior miner that moves into lithium greenfields (should that be bluelakes?) can be instantly ignored forever. The end. One less to worry about.

Suramina (SAX.to): Here’s a pennyplay ($0.18) that has got a letter of intent from Japan’s JOGMEC natural resources funding body, the target in question the SAX.to copper/gold property in Argentina. Now a LOI is by no means an open chequebook (and I often scratch my head about the scattergunny, pick-up-and-drop approach that JOGMEC seems to have in the region), but if the Japanese like what they see this could be a great source of funding that misses out the silly market shenanigans. By no means a lock on this news, but it is most definitely positive.

Cardero (CDU.to)(CDY): Another ‘unexpected’ delay, another batch of excuses. Wow, what a surprise. Just the most amazingly avoidable stock, mgmt full of hot air and short on results. How much BS an you take from these merchants? It ain’t gonna happen and the blame will be stuck on the Chinese government, not whiter-than-white HVA.

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