Lillie over at Memory in Latin America is doing her usual great job of following the trials of those who need to rot in jail. Today she reports on the way in which sudden and inexplicable memory loss has afflicted the two most emblematic cases in Argentina, those of torturers and murderers Alfredo Astiz (the friend of Silvio Berlusconi pictured above) and ‘El Tigre’ Acosta. Read on here.
By the way, here’s a clip from the wiki page on Astiz from the time in The Falklands/Malvinas conflict. This is the kind of scum we’re talking about:
Astiz is known to have committed several war crimes during this period, notably attempting to lure Royal Navy helicopters to land on a helipad he had previously mined, after he had surrendered to British forces. The pilots were suspicious, and landed elsewhere. Astiz also attempted to encourage Royal Marines across a minefield, after he had surrendered. The mines did not function correctly, as their trigger mechanisms had been frozen solid by the sub-zero weather conditions. Astiz was never tried for these crimes.