No special info here, just my best guess. Mail in if you have better ideas.
1) Due to any old BS excuse, Jaime “NOT HODGES!” Pinto (backed by fellow scumbags Hodges and Higgins) suspends today’s meeting.
2) Pinto says that the EGM will reconvene in “two or three weeks“, however the board is under no obligation to stick to that timeframe.
3) Meanwhile, they want the board meeting of the subsidiary Minera IRL SA to go ahead, at which point they kick out Diego Benavides as president of the subsidiaries.
4) As a matter of fact (and deny it all they like, we 100% know the real plan down this way and even know the name of the buyer) the only thing that’s been stopping Team Hodges from stripping the Ollachea asset out the company and selling it for peanuts to a third party has been the defence of the subsidiaries by Diego Benavides.
5) Therefore, these scumbags in Team Hodges are going to try and force the Minera IRL SA board meeting in Lima to go ahead and as soon as they get control, sell all assets out the company to their third party buyer.
6) If Benavides postpones the Minera IRL SA meeting, they’ll just keep postponing the Minera IRL Ltd meeting up there.
Canadian scum.
UPDATE: I’ve been getting good and interesting feedback from this conjecture post. Thanks to one and all. We’ll get more solid thoughts out later.