Take physic, pomp

More on Alan García’s popularity amongst his citizens

Total must-read post on Bagua, the indigenous people of the Amazon basin of Peru and the words of one woman as she buried her husband.

“Please listen to us Mr. Alan Garcia. You are guilty because you exterminated us. You are killing us. You are selling us. You are the terrorist. We are defending our territory without the use of guns, our only weapons are spears and small sticks that aren’t meant to kill like you have done to us. You exterminated us using guns, bullets, helicopters, and you killed our brothers, sisters, students, teachers, children. Alan, we ask you to come here to our territory and pay us the debt that you owe us. Alan, you sold the country, you sold the indigenous, you sold our natural resources: gold, petroleum, water, and air. You contaminate our natural environment and you leave us poorer. Now you see how we live and how you’ve left us. We, the Awajún-Wampis have not asked you to exterminate us, but rather that you help us. That you help educate our children that you have now killed. We are not taking away your private property. We have not killed your children, your family. Why are you now finishing us off? You have exterminated us! We are left with nothing!”

Read on via this link, there’s a lot to digest including an impressive video of the scene above. Worth noting here that the English language post by El Oso would never have existed if it weren’t for the good work done by IKN friend Jacqueline Fowks at her blog, noticias desde lenovo.

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