Take physic, pomp

News roundup (we saw mommy kissing Santa Claus and told daddy all about it cos we’re like that)

Ecuador and Colombia get ATPDEA approval for another 18 months (from the US Congress at least, the Senate still has to do its thing) while Bolivia is left out of the deal for the third year running. Because it doesn’t have oil. Mind you, the continued GDP growth in Bolivia means that Evo doesn’t really need it. So ya boo to you.
The population of Argentina is officially 40,091,359 as at the October 2010 census, up 10.6% from the last official census of 2001, though a few have been born since then for sure. And a few have died. But more have been born.
Today’s bizarre story. A pair of Colombian twins meet up after 12 years separated. One is a solider in the Colombian army, the other a member of the left wing FARC insurgents. Soldier twin convinces FARC twin to give himself up. 
After getting his US-versioned profile Wikileaked, Peru’s President Twobreakfasts actually says something smart: “This is the opinion of gringos”.

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