Hey Eric, times must be tough if NRN is the only company you can shake down at the moment.
The thing with success exploreco investment is being able to spot the fatal flaw quickly. The thing with NRN and where they’re drilling right now, the “Highway Claim”, is that Eric Coffin’s whole P+D scam depends on you thinking that he has done all the DD and there’s no underlying issues with the property or location. In other words, Eric Coffin doesn’t just scam you, he makes sure the stupid and trusting ones stick around at his service so they can be scammed again and again.
So what of fatal flaws and NRN? Well that’s certainly not the geology, there’s a lot going on down there and there’s no doubting the validity of the rocks as a prospective target. The problem is more geography, because NRN is located…
…in the Barney’s River coal zone. Whatever you look for down there, you will also find methane.…next door to the Westray mine, the name alone is enough for anyone from Nova Scotia to remember the 26 deaths and the reasons for the tragic losses there.…in the middle of a zone with countless abandoned, toxic mine sites (mostly gold) that make any thought of environmental permitting unthinkable.…in a place where all decisions are made in the city of Halifax, traditionally left wing and particularly so at the moment.
The fatal flaw at NRN is enormous, a total project killer and obvious to anyone who gets past first base on their DD and starts looking. Yes for sure they can apply for and get a drill permit to stick an exploratory hole in the ground, but the chances of mining anything they find or eventually define as a reserve or a resources are zero. It’s telling that it takes a Vancouver company to do something in this location, as even though locals know the rocks are good they do not go exploring there. The Vancouver shysters rely on West coast ignorance.
Therefore, if the resource can never be mined, the resource is also worth zero. But Eric doesn’t tell you that. Hopefully, you are beginning to understand why.
PS: Nobody likes to find out their hero is a crook. Hey, truth hurts.