Take physic, pomp

Peru and a stark example of “Covid-19 Lockdown vs. Empty Stomach”

After 30 days of lockdown in Peru, many people in the poor areas
of Lima have run out of food and money. For many of them who moved to
the capital in order to make money to send back to their extended
families in the provinces, the solution is to go back to the family
homes in those villages, small towns and cities. However, as there’s no
transport you get to travel on Shanks’s Pony and here’s the photo from this news report today in Peru’s newspaper of record, El Comercio:

That is no ordinary road you are looking at, either. That’s km48 of the Carretera Central (CC), the one that run East out of Lima and straight up the Andes peaking at 4,818 metres (15,706 feet) above sea level. The photo also hints at the second problem; as the migrants walked up the CC they naturally began to group together and by the time they were stopped by police, just a couple of km further up, they were also tested for Covid-19 and of the 1,000 tests performed, 40 are positive. They infected themselves by grouping up as they tried to trek one hell of difficult road in order to get back to their family seats because they have nothing left in Lima. This fkn virus has a trick of heaping tragedy on misery.
This humble corner of cyberspace understands that many places are suffering in their own way and the stress of losing a job and going into debt in order to eat is no fun at all. However, for some even that option is a dream. Welcome to Covid-19 chapter two, developing nations style.

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