Take physic, pomp

Peru: Buy one tour of Cuzco, get one free

In the world of Twobreakfasts, news like this is ignored. It doesn’t fit with his version of reality, y’see. The key July and August months for tourism in Peru are turning out to be an unmitigated disaster, with tourist-dependent cities such as Cuzco (or Cusco if you prefer to spell it the imperialist way) suddenly waking up to a bit of cold reality. Here’s the start of this report, translated by your humble scribe:

Despite being in high season, the president of the Society of Hotels of Peru (SHP), José Koechlin, states that in various five star hotels in the country are offering tariff discounts of between 30% and 50%.

“It is a measure of the crisis, both here and abroad, that means less tourists arriving to the Peru market as well as the (lack of) capacity for Peruvians to afford the five-star market” the director told a local newspaper.

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