Take physic, pomp

Quartermain’s out of bullets…

…and despite his best pumping efforts for the last six weeks, all the news he’s thrown at Pretium (PVG) recently hasn’t managed to shift the stock over that difficult $6 hump. What’s now left is a stock drifting under $5 because the world and his dog knows the company is out of cash and needs to run a financing soon. If you ask me* it’s going back under $4 and that even before the systematic failings of VOK get exposed. And that’s why I’m short PVG. 
And it’s why the short is nicely in the green too, thanks for asking. DYODD,dude.

PS: Full disclosure: Short PVG, because apparently I have to assume that you can’t fucking read or something. Jeesh, freakin’ anal mailbag this morning.

*assuming you’re plug dumb stupid enough to want my dumbass opinion

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