Take physic, pomp

Scam Busters! A new link category at IKN

Over there on the right of the blog your humble scribe has put together a new category of links for the dee lek tay shun of his esteemed readership. Called Scam Busters (not a great title, but it’ll do) it’s a collection of blogs and websites that are sometimes or alltimes dedicated to rooting out the scumbag scam runners and bad egg companies in the world of stock markets (with a lot of mining scams usually on the menus). Here’s the list as seen:

Scam Busters

Of those, David Baines, ace reporter at The Vancouver Sun, deserves top billing for his tireless work against the scumballs of the Vancouver junior mining world. In the link list he has two spots, one for his regular Vancouver Sun column and one for his personal blog, a place where he often picks up on the reported story and adds more flavour. We very heart Baines.

Dances With Bears’ John Helmer knows more about the shady Russian business scene than anyone else that writes in the English language. Watches the Russian billionaire community and their massive resource companies like a hawk.

Sam Antar is the felon who was CFO at Crazy Eddie’s, the accounting fraud in the 1980s. He did time for his rip-offs and has recently turned over a leaf, running a website that exposes accounting fraud and general sleaze in the US markets. Also, make sure you read the disclosure he puts at the end of his posts as it’s very entertaining.

Our pal Amberger over at Green Laser is also an ex-insider blowing the whistle, but not an ex-felon. He was an integral part of the newsletter promo industry for years and has recently taken it upon himself to expose the dirty doings, tricks and scams publishers use to part you from your hard-earned cash. Excellent website and fun to read, too.

Toby Shute is an IKN friend of old. A top brain when it comes to independent O&G analysis, he’s not dedicated to exposing the iffy side of the industry but never holds back on a story if there’s one to be told. Motley Fool’s top echelon of writers includes Toby, not a doubt.

Stock Gumshoe is a community-based site that watches the newsletter world, working out the mystery tips and passing judgement on the worth of many letter services out there.

Street Sweeper covers mainly US markets and a lot of the OTC scams that are run there (and my stars, there are tons of those). Deep analsyis of each case and careful backgorund checks in the posts.

So there’s a quick’n’dirty on each site, but I’d be VERY interested to hear from you guys about other sites not mentioned that do the same kind of thing. If you know of a scam busting website not featured, a mail with its URL to otto.rock1 (AT) gmail (DOT) com would be greatly appreciated.

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