Take physic, pomp

Short AMZN now

I’ve occasionally regretted not using Amazon. Not any longer. This from AP.

NEW YORK (AP) — Amazon is selling a self-published book defending pedophiles, sparking discussions about the retailer’s obligation to vet items before they are sold in its online stores.
The book, “The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover’s Code of Conduct” by Philip R. Greaves II, offers advice to pedophiles afraid of becoming the center of retaliation. It is an electronic book available for Amazon.com Inc.’s Kindle e-reader.
The book has triggered mounting outrage on Twitter and beyond. A chorus of Twitter users is calling for Amazon to pull the book, continues

Bezos cares about his PPS, so stick it to him where it really hurts. Short this stock, make some money, get him to change the AMZN screening policy NOW. And while you’re at it, if you see Philip R. Greaves II in the street break his nose for us all, yeah?

What. The. Fuck?
Amazon sez:Amazon believes it is censorship not to sell certain books simply because we or others believe their message is objectionable.”
Look here Bezos you dickhead, pedophilia doesn’t come under the subject heading “objectionable”. It comes under “illegal”, “repugnant”, “utterly disgusting”, “felonous”, “criminal” and add your own to the list. This isn’t some handwringing about rights of free speech, it’s about stopping some of the worst and most depraved people on the face of the planet from promoting their message. Fuck you, Amazon.

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