A decent handful of readers* have already sent this link into IKN Nerve Centreā¢ which means it’s our duty, nay obligation, nay pleasure to disseminate it further and spread the love around. If this isn’t the worst piece of analysis published on a gold mining company this year it’s definitely going to be a contender for the crown, but the real reason you need to read it is for the sheer comedy value.
The person who wrote “Why Warren Buffett Should Buy Gold Resource Corp. (If Only He Knew About It…)” is a finance idiot who knows just enough to be very dangerous to the naive newbies who read the piece (and yeah, let your brain slowly mull over that article title). But Sinking Alpha are worse idiots for letting it get published on their joke of a website. That’s the real lesson here.
*I thank you all, you’re wonderfully wonderful people, may the financial deities shine their love down upon you today and always.