Here’s the fatalities chart and we’re up to 390 deaths in South America.
Argentina now has 197 confirmed deaths (and more in the suspecteds pipeline, for example in Cordoba there are 10 confirmed and 32 suspected). Chile’s death toll jumped significantly this week to 79 confirmed. Google Argentina has opened a dedicated page to AH1N1 in Argentina.
Peru has given kids a extra week off school, thus extending the current break through to August 10th (nearly a month off when they normally get two weeks). Chile still leads with confirmed infections, up at 11,641. Argentina has stopped trying to count. Peru has 3,300 confirmed cases. Brazil chopped the number of flu deaths from 24 to 29 yesterday. Meanwhile, border towns in Uruguay are suddenly doing great business as Brazilians flock over, this because Tamiflu is only available under prescription in Brazil but is sold over the counter in Uruguay.