…in reverse order:
Third Place: “Oceanagold (OGC.to) needs a Haile Mary pass“. OGC can deny it ll they like but reliable word from the Haile project is that the OGC “improvements” as planned in its February NR haven’t worked out.
Second Place: “Richmont Mines (RIC.to) (RIC) and Tahoe: “Criss de calisse de tabernak d’osti de sacrament!”“. IKN mentions the name of Greg Chamandy for the first time ever on its pages, then M. Chamandy “is resigned” from the company 24 hours later. Which is just a coincidence, of course. By the way, if the mail feedback is anything to go by, this post got popular just for its juicy use of Quebecois slang. RIC clearing the decks? You be the judge.
First Place: “Nevsun (NSU.to) and Reservoir Minerals (RMC.v) to combine???“. This post went up Sunday mid-afternoon and the screenshot it contains bore witness to the large SNAFU that somebody at Nevsun created. Please be clear that IKN didn’t break this news, we just managed to get a screenshot that confirmed the weirdness. By the time the post went live, Nevsun (under orders from its lawyers Stikeman) hadn’t just pulled the web page but decided to take the whole of its website offline! We no know that at 9pm or so that evening the merger of RMC and NSY was formally announced (they were hurried into the news that was planned for Monday morning). Anyway, in the six hours or so between the post and the announcement this story went viral and got hit by the world and his wife, a rare thing for a weekend post. Once the news became official, hits backed off. Thus ends another chapter in backroom hit stuff and nonsense.